Tuesday 18 January 2011

Yoga for Weight Loss Class

IF you have ever been into a yoga class probably one of the last things that went through your head was that people could actually use yoga for weight loss - but then you'd be surprised at what people can actually gain from practicing yoga properly. Many people seem to believe it's just for relaxing or spiritual reasons but yoga is well known for increasing flexibility and strengthening your core. If you adapt your average everyday training schedule to make your positions harder, hold them longer and decrease or completly remove the breaks you would normally take in between and what you are left with is a pretty good work out.

It is really very easy to get started and begin learning yoga for weight loss or just yoga in general really. You need to have a basic understanding of the basic concepts and poses to avoid hurting yourself (which can and will happen if you do it wrong). Most cities seem to have Ashtanga yoga classes these days. You can look online or ask at your local gym, it's usually a safe bet to assume a gym hires someone to teach yoga.

If you can't find a good one you like, or maybe you just prefer to learn things from home. I know I was very self concious when I first started and prefered to learn at home. Well you can hire a trainer, if you can afford it, or pick yourself up a yoga for weight loss dvd. If you don't even want to pay that much - jump on youtube or any video sharing site and tap in something like 'yoga guide'. The only thing you need to keep in mind is this stuff can be harder than it looks. You need to practice properly and not push yourself overly to avoid injuring yourself. People joke about yoga being dangerous but you might well be surprised with the amount of people hurt by pushing themselves too hard.

Many trainers, books or DvDs for yoga for weight loss or plain old everyday yoga will teach both the complete pose and session and a much easier option for people just getting started. This usually involves just less of a stretch. As with any weight loss technique you need to push past your comfort level and get your heart rate up but there is a line you shouldn't cross which is pushing yourself into positions you are not ready for yet. Don't worry if you can't complete a post properly as shown by a diagram or trainer, yoga increases your flexibility over time and after that you will be able to perform the sessions and poses properly as they were originally intended. It is still possible to practice yoga for weight loss before you can completly do the poses as they were intended, but not as effective.

The great thing about using yoga for weight loss is, as well as the weight loss, yoga provides so many great benefits. I started learning yoga before I had a weight problem and never looked back. When I discovered there was a way to use my yoga experience to lose weight my dreams came true. It's possibly one of the easiest ways to lose some of that weight and by far the cheapest. All I've bought was a mat and that's only because I have cold floor in my living room instead of a soft carpet. Take it from me yoga for weight loss is going to be the next big thing if it isn't already.

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